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Monday, December 13, 2010

To Dye or Not To Dye....

I was looking back at a couple of old pics of  my hair and am digging this one from my 2008 New Jersey Hair Show. I think I dyed it a blue black with one of the Textures & Tones colors. And the white dress definitely helps it stand out even more. But if I do decide to re-dye my hair again I will have to put off the Black hair color a little longer because Black has been my Primary color for yeeeears...LOL! Today as you know my hair is a Rich Auburn color from the Dark & Lovely hair color line. My advice to you Shima Girls is to select the hair color lines that cater to OUR hair type and skin tones. Textures & Tones, Dark & Lovely and Soft Sheen products are the ones I like to try. And remember NOT to color and dye your hair on the same day! Always allow 2 weeks in between. I wait atleast a month to be on the safe side. 

Any of you Shima Girls considering dyeing your hair anytime soon? Well post your thoughts and concerns in the comment section...because dyes are CHEMICALS and doing it wrong can cause SERIOUS SETBACKS to your Fairytale,  Mythical Hairlength Goals!!


  1. I am a total chicken when it comes to dying hair. Not because I am afraid of damage but because I am scared I won't love the color. I might like the color at first but not later. Also I see a lot of girls who color their hair themselves and it sometimes doesn't look as shiny as the professional coloring. One of my main reasons for going natural was to stay out of $$$$ beauty shops. So I am not saying I will never dye my hair but perhaps I will wait till I am a little older. LOL!

  2. @dabarefootbombshell One way o try a hair color without having to Commit to it right away is to try on a Wig in the hair shade you want and that matches your original hair texture. Heck, you might not even have to purchase the wig as alot of beauty departments allow you to try it out and look in their mirror. The girls who are coloring their hair themselves OBVIOUSLY are not very experienced and fail to consider other factors that may affect their hair coloring results. Other chemicals in their hair, a previous hair dye job, pregnancy, etc. Again, as I said in my post hair dyes are CHEMICALS so it is best that you DO wait until you're older and more INFORMED before attempting to dye your hair yourself.

